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About Me
About Truck

My Mom


My Mom (Julie 44) can be helpful and nice most of the time. In her spare time, she likes to paint around the house.

My Dad


My Dad (David 47) can be helpful too sometimes, especially when he helps me work on my truck. In his spare time, he likes to work out in the garage and shoot arrows but he is a busy man most of the time.



My sister (Adriana 19) graduated last year. She can be funny and helpful too. In her spare time, she works and goes to school near home. She has some crazy friends that act like her, well some.



My oldest sister (Kori 28) has three kids and she can be like my other sister sometimes. She graduated from high school in 1992 along with my cousin.

Niece & Nephews

Cody, Haley,& Wyatt

These cute and funny kids are my niece "Haley(5)" and my two nephews "Cody(8)" and "Wyatt(1)". My family enjoys being around them. My youngest nephew is older than that now.

Grandpa George

Grandpa George

My Grandpa George (68) "My Mom's Dad" is cool. At his house, he has a swimming pool. My family speaks to him at least once in a great while. In his spare time, he likes to cook but he's a busy man, too.

Grandpa Robert

Grandpa Robert

"1925-1995" My Grandpa Robert(77) "My Dad's Father", was cool. He always bought me stuff and he was nice at sometimes. He died at the age of 69. Today he would be 77.

Grandma Leona

Grandma Leona

My Grandma Leona(?)"My Dad's Mother" is kind of like my Grandpa and just hangin' in there with the family.

My Dog Joe


My dog Joe is eleven years old. He is blind on one eye and acts like he's deaf. He likes to eat candy corns and he will beg for yours if you have some.

Great Grandparents

My Great Grandparents

My Great Grandparents 86 & 84 are part of my mom's side of the family. They like to see the family and they make home made birds out of scrap junk. My mom paints the birds for them.